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OPQ Tech has diverse approaches on education. We are on a mission to be the most trusted lifelong learning partner, along with helping every member on the global platform to achieve their career success and reaching their goals.

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Who we are

OPQ Tech is a team of professionals who help people make career decisions and plan their careers. We can provide advice on what careers to pursue, help with job search strategies, and provide guidance on how to improve your skills for your desired career.

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What you get

OPQ Tech provides you career advice and guidance who are seeking to make a change in your professional lives. We typically offer one-on-one consultations, group workshops, or online resources to help you identify your strengths, interests, and goals. We help you to develop a plan of action to achieve your goals. We also help you prepare for interviews, write resumes and cover letters, and network with potential employers.


110+ Online Books

Online sessions

1080+ Audio Classes


80+ Placements

Total Courses

3+ Total Courses
Total Learners


Total Tutors


Total Placements


Total Courses


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In Specific

Be it DevOps, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Digital Marketing, or Data Science, we will train you. With hands-on, interactive learning you learn 7 times more effectively than reading or watching course material.

That’s why OPQ Tech’s Bootcamp provides:

  • Live virtual classes taught by industry experts
  • Cohort based learning with peer-to-peer interaction
  • Capstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning
  • 24/7 teaching assistance with access to learner social forums

What More!

We also organize workshops and corporate training.

Upskill with OPQ Tech BootCamp. Get a job - Guaranteed!